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A Community-Based Sharing Platform

Constructive feedback is crucial to self-improvement and the development of surgical skills during medical training. To help improve efficiency in quickly acquiring consistent feedback we have developed an online tool where physicians can anonymously share their own surgical videos and interesting cases with peers from their institution. After submitting their videos only their colleagues can view them and provide direct feedback on these cases through an open forum where they can leave comments about the surgical techniques used in the video.


New features include the ability of peers to reply to comments by uploading their own videos or images of a surgical step demonstrating their very own technique for enhanced learning potential. We hope this concept can assist new surgeons in developing their knowledge and experience through a fun and interactive platform! 


First-time user? Please access the menu above entitled "How to sign up". 


When ready click the corresponding links below to start uploading or commenting on a video. Enjoy! 

This website and its content is copyright of © 2018. All rights reserved.

Designed by Dr. Andre Ali-Ridha, Ali Salimi, Soumaya Bouhout, Gerardo Discepola 

Program Supervisor: Dr. Marino Discepola

International Liaison: Dr. Ahmad Alali

SSF Platform subject to copyright laws and is intended only for educational purposes. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited.

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